We counted the following birds :
Red breasted sapsucker: 1
Pacific slope flycatcher: 3
Olive sided flycatcher: 3
Steller's jay: 1
Gray jay: 8
Common raven: 1
Chestnut backed chickadee: 7
Winter wren: 3
Golden crowned kinglet: 6
Ruby crowned kinglet: 1
Hermit thrush: 6
Varied thrush: 6
American robin: 6
Spotted towhee: 2
White crowned sparrow: 6
Chipping sparrow: 2
Dark eyed junco: 30
House finch: 1
Pine siskin: 26
New flowers blooming within the last few days are yellow violet (viola glabella), shooting star (dodecatheon jeffreyi), and globeflower (trollius laxus).Globeflower has flowers very similar to marsh marigold, but can be distinguished by the leaves: marsh marigold has oval smooth-edged leaves (lower flowers in photo), while globeflower leaves are divided into toothed segments (upper flower in photo).